Today on the podcast, I’m talking with “The Sacred Meaning of Everyday Work” author, Robert Tribken. Robert is such a cool guy–with an MBA and a theology background he has a unique perspective about work. We continue our theme of purpose and discuss how to see the value in everyday tasks. It’s a powerful conversation. I hope you’ll listen in!

Dive In:

02:00 Meet Robert. He kicks off the conversation by connecting our spiritual / faith side with our work side.

07:00 “When we have a sense of purpose, we’re more likely to show courage.” – Robert

08:00 How “small,” everyday jobs can show purpose (e.g., serving others in a restaurant, taking care of a customer service need).

10:00 “What we’re doing now is important. It’s making a contribution.” Robert on how you don’t have to change what you’re doing to be purposeful. Start by seeing the value in what you’re doing right now.

12:00 Two questions to ask yourself to help find your purpose.

13:30 Individual agency. Robert explains corporate purpose, individual purpose and how they tie together.

18:00 The joy is in the journey. This is a life-long process.

19:00 Job, career, calling.

22:30 Can we have our purpose and calling change throughout life?

26:00 Robert’s Life Hack: Listen first.

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