Ask the Therapist

Do you have a challenge you are facing at work or in your career that has you stuck? Write in to “Ask the Therapist” and get an answer!

Hire Brandon to Speak

TEDx speaker, coach, consultant, professor, and radio host — Brandon Smith brings an upbeat, witty approach to the challenges of workplace health and dysfunction.

Press & Media

As a leading expert in leadership communication and eliminating workplace dysfunction, Brandon Smith combines wit, humor, research and practicality to help audiences overcome some of the biggest challenges facing workplaces today.
For press inquiries, contact Emily Smith at emily[at]


13 + 11 =

In my ideal world, I’ll be out of a job.

In that world, every workplace is healthy, productive, fulfilling, and dysfunction-free, with great leaders and honorable managers guiding the ship. That sounds amazing, but until then, I know there’s much to be done. That’s why I founded The Worksmiths.