Brandon on GPB – The Pendulum Swing – Labor Shortages Coming Soon?

Help_Wanted_photologue_np_Flickr_oEconomists have long been talking about the day when the bulk of the baby boomer generation finally retires.

The recession has put off that day as older workers stay in their jobs longer. But economists at the Conference Board now say those retirements are imminent, and they’re going to contribute to a labor shortage in the United States in the next 10 to 15 years.

That spells opportunity for younger workers.

“If you’re in [Generation X], you might feel squeezed right now, but you’re going to have a heckuva lot of opportunity in about the next 10 years,” said Brandon Smith, a workplace and career consultant who also teaches business students at Emory and Georgia State universities. “[There will be] way more openings than there are people. Immigration may be filling some of that void, but you’re going to see a huge demand.”

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